It's been a while since I've used acrylics so I thought I would fire up that long dormant engine and churn something out. I'm toying with the idea of giving this one away, so anyone who wants a free scribble, let me know and I'll snatch myself a big envelope from work and wing it right out to yah!

I'm always thinking of rubbesque little captions like this throughout my daily life, drawing up doodles based around them, then thinking that they're not really suitable for WFHIT and just letting them stagnate in the darkest recesses of my sketchbook. But then I think, hey - what, if not for pushing your unwanted thoughts, opinions and creative endeavours on an apathetic pop-culture saturated public, are blogs for?
So yeah, if you fancy a crappy little A4 doodle, let me know. If not, I won't be too cut up about it.
I guess.
Hi! Can I have it? I really like it :)
I've had another request already from way off in the US of A, I'm afraid. But hey, if the postage proves too extortionate, then it's all yours!
(And if not, then next time I scribble up something a bit rubbish like this then you'll be the first person I think of!)
Woo! There's still hope :)
what else is up for grabs? I'll do yer trade-off for the 17mls of my monkey's cock-eye spittle I've been milking for the last two weeks. Little fecker wont give me nothin unless I dance for him
Hello Ian. Sorry, I haven't been all that prolific lately, seein' as I've been working on something fairly mammoth for a friend's birthday.
Next doodle I put together that isn't the proverbial pile of fetid rat smegma I'll look you up.
I would also like a crappy A4 doodle, or pretty much anything you can fit in an envolope (of standard size)
Keep up the awesome please.
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