Sunday, 2 August 2009

A break of absence

For months now, avid readers of my blog have been getting increasingly frustrated as their bleary-eyed, continued tapping of 'refresh' has yielded only the dessicated fruit of my once engorged pangolin obsession.

Well, sorry for being so inactive these past weeks. To tell the truth, I've been enjoying the last gasp of our fugacious British summer - went to a festival; sucked up the sunlight in pub gardens; languished in my dead-end job. I'm not gonna make excuses for not drawing anything or updating wfhit, because, well I don't want to.

But there's a light at the end of this barren tunnel of artistic stasis - CHECK IT:


This was drawn for my dear friend Alice's 21st birthday (that's the lady herself astride this tower of beastly bitchingness). The date in question is this Wednesday, but I don't think she reads this blog so I don't have much to worry about - although if you do read this Al - sorry for ruining the surprise.

Anyway, here's a little of the detail inside:


All because the lady loves zombies. She really does. She's chuffing obsessed.

I'll try my best to get my drawing shoes on and get back on that rickety, incontinent webcomics horse pretty soon. Got two weeks holiday from work coming up, so I'm sure I can make a little time for some doodlage.


Unknown said...

Alright mate, just came across your site, and just wanted to commend you on your work.. It's fucking excellent tbh

thereisnofork said...

i like the zombies - very "british festival"

albear said...

lucky for you, I have had a blogger account for 5 years, but have not checked it for along time. the cards great. THANKS.